Premium Membership

Our Plans

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Hic obcaecati accusantium tempora cum ipsa excepturi voluptates.

Home Basic

Storage Space 100 MB
Maximum file size 50 MB
Download waiting time 20 seconds
No download Captcha
No Advertisements
When are your files deleted? 7 days after last download


The most popular

Storage Space Unlimited
Maximum file size Unlimited
Download waiting time -
No download Captcha
No Advertisements
When are your files deleted? Never

Home Premium

Storage Space 1 GB
Maximum file size 500 MB
Download waiting time 10 seconds
No download Captcha
No Advertisements
When are your files deleted? 30 days after last download

Payments are 100% secure

1 day
7 days
30 days
365 days

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